• People's stories Interviews with people getting attendant care, family members, workers . . .
  • Alana Alana had a serious car accident aged 14. She has a brain injury.
  • Rob Rob had a stroke. He was in a nursing home and now lives at home.
  • David David had a car accident when 20. He has a brain injury. He has returned to work and to driving.
  • Karel Karel had a bicycle accident. He has a fractured spine. He lives with his wife. They are in their 80s.
  • Emma Emma was hit by a car. She has a brain injury and needs 24 hour care.
  • Christakis Christakis' head went back in a car accident and he broke his neck. He lives with his wife.
  • Attendant Care Provider Brain Injury Service Coordination Managers and Community Support Workers.
  • Attendant Care Provider Spinal Injury Service Supervisors and Attendant Care Workers.
  • Case Managers Case managers.
  • icare Coordinators icare Coordinators speak.

icare Coordinators

icare  Coordinators

icare funds treatment, rehabilitation and attendant care services to people severely injured in motor accidents in NSW, regardless of who was at fault in the accident.
People who are eligible for the Scheme will have a spinal cord injury; moderate to severe brain injury; amputations; severe burns; or will be blind as a result of the accident.
icare Coordinators facilitate the treatment, rehab and care for catastrophically injured people with spinal cord and brain injury.

  • Rosemary, icare Coordinator
  • Julia, icare Coordinator
  • Garry, icare Support Project Officer
  • Geraldine, icare Coordinator

Hospital is the first process that they move through. They are often in a specialised unit like a brain injury unit or a spinal cord unit and we get involved pretty much whilst they are still in hospital. I go and meet them, give them some information about the scheme, and we usually appoint someone who is a case manager who oversees a lot of their treatment and care. We go from there and see what their needs are and how we can assist them.
It takes a long time for families and people to adjust to the idea of being catastrophically injured. It’s not an everyday event. You might hear about car accidents but most people assume that they are never going to be involved in one. And when it’s clear that what you’ve got are some permanent injuries there is a major shift that people move through. I think a lot of it is disbelief in the beginning. . .

It’s along process. Some people are in hospital for well over a year. And then it’s moving out of that medical model and back into the community and the challenges that it brings about. So, leaving that safe environment families often worry that “Is it too soon? Should they stay here for a while longer?” That kind of safety net of being in a hospital to being discharged and going back into the community and facing new challenges.

Ideally you find out about attendant care whilst you are still in hospital before your discharge. Most people have had no involvement with care so having someone in your home a lot is a different thing. Doing things for you that you could do for yourself pre-injury can be quite invasive. So I think for some people it’s getting over the idea that someone very new is going to be doing some intimate things and for others it’s just the idea of having someone there all the time who is not a family member, a stranger in your home. Yeah, it can take a bit of adjustment.

     Rosemary, icareCoordinator